What Is Coco Coir (Coco Peat) and Why Gardeners Are Raving About It?

Jess Simpson
Jess Simpson
Founder of Plant Care Simplified

Jess is a true horticulturist whose passion for plants has led her to become an expert in tropical houseplants. Jess was born and raised in...

So, what is coco coir? You have probably heard of gardeners and horticulturalists using a growing medium called coco coir but need to learn more about it. This article will provide you with everything about what coco coir is as a growing medium for plants, its benefits and drawbacks, and how to use it in your garden or indoor plants. 

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this article will give you a comprehensive understanding of coco coir and help you decide whether it's the right growing medium for you. From its eco-friendliness to its water retention properties, we'll cover it all. So, please sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let's dive into the world of coco coir!

Coco Coir - Background

compacted coco coir brick

Coconut coir, more commonly referred to as coco coir or coco peat, is a versatile natural fiber derived from the husk of coconuts. It has been used for making ropes, mats, and baskets for centuries. However, in recent years, coco coir has gained recognition as a popular alternative for horticulturists for growing plants. This is because it possesses several properties that make it an ideal medium for plant growth.

One of the key advantages of coconut coir is that it is a sustainable and renewable resource. This is in stark contrast to peat moss, which is traditionally used in horticulture. While peat moss is a finite resource, coconut coir can be replenished, making it a more environmentally friendly option. Moreover, coconut coir has several other benefits over peat moss when it comes to growing plants, making it a highly sought-after choice among horticulturists.

The Properties of Coconut Coir 

The properties of coconut coir make it an excellent choice for horticulturists looking for a sustainable and effective alternative to peat moss. The physical and chemical properties of coconut coir offer numerous benefits to plants, including increased aeration and drainage, high moisture retention, and a neutral pH. In this section, we will explore the properties of coconut coir in more detail and discuss why it is becoming an increasingly popular option for plant growth.

Physical Properties: 

Coconut coir is a natural fiber derived from coconut husks. It is known for its spongy texture, which makes it ideal for retaining water and air. This quality is essential for plant growth, allowing for better root penetration and promoting healthy plant growth. Additionally, coconut coir is lightweight and easy to handle, making it a convenient option for horticulturists.


The fibrous nature of coconut coir is another advantage for plant growth, and this fiber prevents soil compaction, which is a common problem in traditional horticulture. By preventing soil compaction, coconut coir allows for better root penetration and promotes healthy plant growth.


Coconut coir is highly absorbent and essential for retaining moisture in the soil. This is especially important for plants that require consistent moisture levels to thrive. The high absorption rate of coconut coir makes it an excellent choice for hydroponic systems and for use in areas with high soil salinity levels.

Chemical Properties: 

The pH level of coconut coir is around 6, which is considered neutral. This makes it suitable for a wide range of plants, as it does not affect the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Additionally, coconut coir is highly tolerant to salinity, making it an ideal option for hydroponic systems and for use in areas with high soil salinity levels.

The Advantages of Using Coconut Coir for Plants

The benefits of using coconut coir as a growing medium for plants are numerous, making it a top choice for horticulturists and hydroponic growers alike. Below, we will delve into the advantages of using coconut coir for plants, highlighting why it is a superior alternative to peat moss and other traditional growing mediums.

Sustainable Alternative to Peat Moss: 

One of the key advantages of using coconut coir as a growing medium is that it is a sustainable alternative to peat moss. Unlike peat moss, which is harvested from bogs and is a non-renewable resource, coconut coir is produced from the husks of coconuts, which are a renewable resource. This makes it a more environmentally friendly option, as it does not contribute to the depletion of non-renewable resources.

Increased Aeration and Drainage: 

Coconut coir provides excellent aeration and drainage, which is essential for the health and growth of plants. The spongy texture of the coir allows for proper water and airflow, promoting root penetration and healthy plant growth. This is particularly important in hydroponic systems, where proper aeration and drainage is crucial for plant health.

Suitable for Hydroponic Systems: 

Another advantage of using coconut coir for plants is its suitability for hydroponic systems. The coir's absorbent nature and neutral pH make it an ideal medium for hydroponic systems, and its high salinity tolerance allows it to be used in areas with high soil salinity levels. The lightweight and easy-to-handle nature of coconut coir makes it an even more convenient option for hydroponic growers.

Comparison with other growing mediums:

Now that we have explored the benefits of using coco coir as a growing medium, it is helpful to compare it with other popular growing mediums available. The main ones we will consider are soil, potting mix, vermiculite, perlite, and peat moss, to give you a clear picture of the advantages and disadvantages coco peat has over each medium.


Soil is the most traditional growing medium used by gardeners and farmers. It is rich in nutrients and offers good water retention, making it ideal for growing plants. However, soil can become compacted, limiting the roots' ability to grow and absorb water and nutrients. It can also contain pathogens and pests that can harm your plants.

Potting Mix:

Potting mix is a type of growing medium that is often used in container gardening. It is typically made up of a mixture of soil, compost, peat moss, and other organic matter and is designed to provide plants with all the nutrients and support they need to grow. In comparison, coco coir is made from the fibers of coconuts and is prized for its water-holding capacity, high porosity, and ability to provide excellent aeration for roots. 

Both potting mix and coco coir have their pros and cons. Still, many gardeners and horticulturalists are turning to coco coir as a more sustainable alternative to peat-based potting mixes. While it is more expensive than traditional potting mix, coco coir has a longer shelf life and is better for the environment, making it a popular choice for container gardening.


Vermiculite is a mineral that is often added to soil to improve aeration and water retention. It is an excellent option for seed starting and root cuttings, as it holds water well and is easy to use. However, it can become waterlogged, leading to root rot, and it can also be expensive compared to other growing mediums.


Perlite is a volcanic rock that is often added to soil to improve aeration and water retention. It is lightweight, easy to handle, and pH neutral, making it suitable for growing plants of all types. However, it has a low water-holding capacity, and it can become compacted over time. Again, this can limit the roots' ability to grow.

Peat Moss: 

Peat moss is a popular growing medium that is often used in conjunction with coconut coir. It is an excellent option for retaining moisture, as it can hold up to 20 times its weight in water. However, it can become compacted over time, constricting the roots' ability to grow and becoming acidic, affecting your plants' health.

In truth, each growing medium has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, and the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If you are looking for a sustainable, easy-to-handle, and versatile medium, coconut coir is an excellent option.

How Coconut Coir is Supplied for Plant Use

Once you have decided to use coconut coir for your plants, the next step is to understand how it is supplied and how to prepare it for use.

Compacted Brick Form: 

Coconut coir is typically supplied in compacted brick form, which can easily be rehydrated and prepared for use. The compacted form also makes it easier to transport and store, making it a convenient option for horticulturists. Preparing Coconut Coir for Plant Use: Preparing coconut coir for plant use is a simple process. Rehydrate the compacted bricks by soaking them in water for a few minutes and mixing them with other soil amendments, such as compost or fertilizer. This will create a well-draining and nutrient-rich medium for your plants. Availability and 

Cost of Coco Coir: 

Coconut coir is widely available and is typically more affordable than peat moss, and this makes it an accessible and budget-friendly option for horticulturists and gardening enthusiasts alike. With its numerous benefits, it is no wonder why coconut coir is becoming an increasingly popular choice for growing plants.

Best Uses of Coconut Coir for Plants:

When it comes to utilizing coconut coir for plant growth and health, several different applications are well-suited for this versatile and sustainable medium. Whether you are starting seeds, planting in containers, or looking to improve the quality of your soil, coconut coir has something to offer.

Best Uses of Coconut Coir for Plants:

Seed Starting Using Coco Coir: 

Coconut coir is an ideal option for seed starting due to its spongy texture and high water retention capabilities. This makes it an excellent environment for seed germination, helping to ensure that your seeds get the best possible start in life.

Container Gardening: 

Coconut coir is also a popular choice for container gardening. Its lightweight nature makes it easy to handle, while its excellent drainage capabilities help to keep plants healthy and thriving. Additionally, its ability to retain moisture helps reduce the frequency with which you need to water your plants.

Soil Amendments: 

Finally, coconut coir can be used as a soil amendment to help improve soil structure and water retention. Whether you are planting in pots or in the ground, adding coconut coir to your soil can help to promote healthy plant growth and improve the overall health of your garden.

Potential Drawbacks of Using Coconut Coir as a Growing Medium

In light of the numerous benefits of using coconut coir, it is essential also to consider the potential drawbacks. While these drawbacks may be minimal, it is still important to consider them when deciding on the best-growing medium for your plants.

Despite its numerous advantages, there are also a few drawbacks to using coconut coir as a growing medium. One major concern is the pH level of coconut coir, which tends to be on the acidic side. If the pH level is not adjusted, it could affect the growth and health of plants. Additionally, coconut coir can also retain too much moisture, leading to root rot. It is crucial to monitor the coconut coir's water content and ensure it is not over-saturated.

Although it is one of the lesser expensive growing mediums available, it certain places it can be more expensive than other traditional growing media, such as soil or peat moss. However, being reusable, it may be worth the investment for its long-term benefits and sustainability.

It should be noted that despite having some environmental benefits, coconut coir is a by-product of the coconut industry. Its production may have negative environmental impacts, such as deforestation and water waste. However, many companies employ sustainable methods for harvesting coconut coir, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

While there are a few potential drawbacks to using coconut coir as a growing medium, its benefits far outweigh the negatives. With proper monitoring and care, coconut coir can provide a healthy and sustainable environment for plants to grow.

Jess Simpson
Jess SimpsonFounder of Plant Care Simplified

Jess is a true horticulturist whose passion for plants has led her to become an expert in tropical houseplants. Jess was born and raised in South East Asia surrounded by lush jungles and lush botanical gardens. This environment prompted her to develop a love for all things green and growing. A move to the UK helped her plant care skills and improved her knowledge Her commitment to her craft and her dedication to her customers has earned her a reputation as one of the best in the business. She continues to inspire others with her love for nature and the environment.Bio Page

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