Why Does My Lipstick Plant Keep Dropping Leaves?

Kim Marson
Kim Marson
Gardening Writer

Kim is passionate about helping people create beautiful, healthy indoor spaces that are filled with plants. Kim believes that plants make us happier, healthier human...

Why Does My Lipstick Plant Keep Dropping Leaves? From a reader in Easton, PA.

We recently received a question from one of our readers about leaf drops on their favorite curly lipstick plant. We have put together a short video explaining some of the likely causes and possible remedies and applies across all varieties of Lipstick plants.

There are several possible reasons why your lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus) might be dropping leaves. Some common causes include:

  1. Overwatering or underwatering: Lipstick plants must be kept consistently moist, not waterlogged. If you are watering your plant too frequently or not allowing the soil to dry out enough between waterings, the leaves may turn yellow and drop off. Similarly, the leaves may wilt and fall off if you do not water your plant often enough.
  2. Poor lighting: Lipstick plants prefer bright, indirect light. If your plant is not getting enough light, it may become leggy, and the leaves may drop.
  3. Pests: Aphids, mealybugs, and other soil mites/pests can infest lipstick plants and cause the leaves to turn yellow and drop off.
  4. Nutrient deficiency: Lipstick plants need a well-balanced fertilization regimen to thrive. If your plant is not getting the nutrients, it needs, again, the leaves may begin yellowing and result in leaf fall drop off.

Solutions to Lipstick Plant Dropping Leaves

solutions to lipstick plant dropping leaves

To solve these problems, try adjusting the care routine for your Lipstick Plant, particularly concentrating on the following areas:

  1. Adjust your watering schedule: Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, and be sure to water your plant thoroughly when you do water it.
  2. Move your plant to a brighter location: If it is not getting enough light, try moving it to a location with bright, indirect light.
  3. Check for pests: Inspect your plant regularly for signs of pests, such as sticky residue. If you find any pests, such as soil mites, use an appropriate pesticide to control them.
  4. Fertilize your plant: Use a balanced fertilization regimen to ensure it gets the nutrients it needs.

By addressing these issues, you should be able to stop your lipstick plant from dropping leaves and help it thrive.

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Kim Marson
Kim MarsonGardening Writer

Kim is passionate about helping people create beautiful, healthy indoor spaces that are filled with plants. Kim believes that plants make us happier, healthier human beings, and she loves sharing her knowledge with others so they can experience the joys of plant care for themselves. <a href="https://plantcaresimplified.com/kim-marson/">Read more</a>

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